Saturday, 3 September 2016


      Media industry today is full of fields including television,films,print,animation,gaming,radio,music and many more.Considered as most powerful tool today if used properly media has a great impact and is creating broad minds everywhere.It is a great employement source for varied categories.Media includes broadcasting,spreading awareness,showcasting talents,influencing masses and is all over a huge field with lots and lots of informaton.It is not that media only has positive sides.Proper incorrect use of it can be more harmful compared to being benefitial during correct use.

Media is has bunches of programmes named companies who work according to particular sectors.They work all around in various field such as news,films,animation etc.Companies in their own play a major role in developement of media industry.The companies all together form a market and there are many times market in media.Described as monopoly,oligopoly are two of many types.AXN which is a pay cable as well as satellite television channel owned by Sony Pictures television.It offers 24 hours a day action TV series,animation,movies,lifestyle sports programmes etc.It is a world wide network & short of AXioN.

Also there is Balaji Telifilms which is owned by Jetendra mostly managed by Ekta Kapoor and is producing India soap operas.reality TV,comedy,game shows.Also it has a collab with White Leaf Production.Serials such as Naagin,Bade Ache Lagte Hai,Kyuki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu thi were part of Balaji Telifilms.

Media markets are identified by known location situated at the center of market region.A market is engaged place for exchange of commodities.Media market makes profit by just spreading Information all over globe.There are two types of marketing strategies.One is coming from the advertisers who buy the advertising spread time and space and other is fee from audience buying products related to media.

Media and its market today are a great field of impact for the upcoming youth in industry.It has a source of  information,awareness,influence,broadcasting and in all reaching everyone through infinite ways.Markets in Media are playing the key role for entire programme to be in Media industry so.They be the main source of action to act on.From past many many years Media and Types of Market in Media has bounced up to a great level due to technologies boughtup.Facebook,Google,Instagram many ways are markets in media.So marketing will be the key function for Media industry till its existence as it is the chain of social connection with audience trageted.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

KRK:new pokemon

When you want to see a typical guy who's life is fucked up watch KRK (recommended by his wife)

KRK also known as Kamaal Rashid Khan unfortunately is a Actor(jo dekhne layak nai hai),Producer(jo shakal se hi garib hai),Writer(jisko bolna tak nai aata dhang se) and A Critic(jo zabaardasti insan ke roop mai janma hai).Words used are slangs and are not used to hurt just a truth.He is so NOT POPULAR that when you type KRK google shows this picture.

Like people can once stop playing pokemon  go but would never ever want this creature to be alive for more days.He has one daughter and son who are so much confused about their life and sorry to god about their bad deeds in past life.KRK is born as a human which by far biggest mistake done by GOD.He has dumb kind of face which somewhat looks like this.

Yes i can understand your situation after looking this picture,but he is unfortunately a human afterall.KRK has contributed in Ek Villian & Deshdrohi and Deshdrohi was banned by State Government of India amid riot concerns.

This is one of his instagram pictures where in he is reacting to a movie but however people watching him posing such way would exactly carry the same espression after looking him.One can only feel sorry for people related to him.Yes he has some how don't know how but also did 1/2 % of good work & only I know how I wrote this line.I can beat you can't stop laughing after checking out his Instagram pictures.

Exactly the same reaction of everyone after watching his intsa pics.He is one of the most hated person as u can imagine after reading all of the above.I would surely also recommend to watch his video of dance on the song beat pe booty which after watching no was able to stop their laughter.

He is one of the most unsolds in industries.Almost every comedian has cracked jokes on him.He has also been compared to Taher Shah by viners.One would like to be hang till death instead of living a life like this critic.He has came on Comedy Nights Bachao.His expressions are enough to make him hate more and more.You can understand by the pic below.

Hope readers can understand.This pic seems like he has been not given food from last 7 days.His pics clearly shows that if u don't have talent than you can be a critic.There are many critics but no one is as dumb as him.He is by far only and only hated by everyone.

This pic shows that even his honoured moments are not believed by anyone.Comments clearly shows that people know the truth that he is not deserving.His caption expalins every  infant to frame a sentence properly.I guess readers would have definately understood that it is better to watch pokemon around streets than to watch krk's reaction on films.I particularly choosed him because i believe that everything feed needs to be exposed wether it is popular or krk.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

100 Layers Race

I would firstly like to regard a message that be happy from what God has given.Please DO NOT TRY such kind of stunts even in dreams.

So from past many days there were seen the beauty tips which were overused and were needed to be banned because there weren't needed.It created kind of 100 layers race among the use of beauty products without using mind and just doing it no matter what it may cost.

This shows how free can a person be for trying this kind of stunts in life with 100 layers of nail paint.No other rainbow can be as colour-fool as this.No one can expect this thing unless and until if its only for creating waste from beauty products.Can't imagine fall of this mountain.

Than came this woman putting 100 layers of liquid base and experimenting her one and only one face.She seriously cant even imagine her face after sometime infact no one could.This also would have jut made her face look white and entire bidy black.How unique!!!.

Have you ever ever seen a humanbeing looking like a burned toasted bread.Here it goes with 100 layers of eye shadow!!.No personal comments but how can someone be so so dangerous.Not even a Scientist will try this and if he/she will than atleast not on their own face.

I dont know how but may this would be her luck that she did not suffered from hairloss after this unique journey having 100 layers of hair colour.They are actually her real hair!!!She has so much daring.If i would have been a deo or and body spray the person would have changed to a garden i guess!!!

May she was suffering from depression to try this stunt putting 100 layers of lipstick or else she would be wanting a lip surgery as you can see in the pic.Hope so her lips are now in a good condition to smile altleast.Quit sensitive part of face and this kind of treatment shows how lipsticks nowadays are been hated.

I actualy got scared after looking this and was not able to sleep that night.Her comes the winner of 100 layers by  applying 100 layers of eye lashes,100 layers of liquid base,completely not 100 but somewere around layers of lipstick.Kudos again to the bravery of this female.May be she wasn't happy looking younger and beautiful so she did this.

This shows that such kind of overuse are so much harmful and also disgusting.100 layers is still being played by many.Readers I would again suggest please DO NOT TRY such dangerous events.It can be very very harm-fool as these products do contain chemicals also.I hope this war will come to an end soon.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Lilly Singh

   "Wuddup everyone to girrrlll superwoman"  Says the Youtube Queen Lilly Singh. Started in 2010 and before while suffering from depression the diva raised her mind and gave her heart a chance to be heard and from there then came the First Ever Indian Women On Youtube Gaining Huge Huge Huge SUCCESS.Yaay!! she always carries a spirit of love,positivity,happiness,laughter,unique behaviour,fun,hope,madness and spirit of being Original.Punjab di kudi knows it all!!.

Her sufferings has given her more and more power to tackle everything today and so she handles her Success with the same responsibility.Her Youtube Channel IISUPERWOMANII has more than 9 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS,she is rulling it she just likes to be happy and thats what she only knows to be.Her videos are funny,informative,impressive,awesome,
meaningful,logical,reactable more more and more the word series never stops.

What she is all about means only Entertainment Entertainment & Entertainment.She even has her own Unicorn Island which is all about Superwomen's Journey all over.Unicorn Island is that Island where in you will meet each and every part of her travel.The lady has not stopped winnings hearts across the nation and is winning more and more.

She also is a Rap Genius with more and more talent of even being a Writer nowadays.She is writing a book named HOW TO BE A BAWSE  which has a bought a bunch of new fans for her being so impactful.She also has a Video on it published on her Channel.Girl is worth someone to follow for lifetime.Bawse is Liquid Lipstick Brand Name fromed under collaboration of Smash Box and Lilly Singh.However it gained such popularity that the Youtube Icon thought and bought it up in a new way by presenting the book and video which described about being a bawse.Bawse is slang word for Boss.
The book is just creating more and more excitement within her fans all over world.

Like you can say that Being Bawse is exactly what suits her.
Her life has been a big motovation for lots and lots of people to get up and fight again.She was born on September 26/1988-Canada.She has been ranked 8th in the Forbes list of Highest Paid Youtubers and was earning more than 3 million in 2015.Awards are always named by her MTV Fandom,Teen choice,Streamy and many more.

She also takes a ASK SUPERWOMAN LIVE on 14th day of every month which is of around 1 hour+live segment where she answers questions of crowd through social media.Also she has SUPERWOMAN VLOGS where in she posts her all backstage daily activities behind the scene videos.She also has done doucumentary meetings with celebs such as
Shah Rukh KhanMadhuri Dixit,Ariana GrandeEd SheeranShay Mitchell,Selena GomezAlessia CaraDebby Ryan,Arjun KapoorNargis FakhriVarun Dhawanand Kareena Kapoor and many more.

She plays fictional characters of parents named PARAMJEET & MANJEET in her series which are the most popular parents of 21st Century.Her acting in these roles gives her kudos.She said that the name SuperWoman came to her mind from the S-shaped ring in her infant time.She published Musics such as CLEAN UP ANTHEM, LEH,IVIVI (Roman numeral 416) and a new hit named VOICES.

She even has her app named UNICORN ISLAND  which was formed for engagements with fans including meets and greets all over.Her work in industry has also been a great journey with different roles. In 2011 she palyed a role of background Bhangra dancer in the film SPEEDY SINGH also in THANK YOU she was a background Bhangra dancer,in 2014 she was in GULAB GANG as a Playback Singer and cameo for Mauj ki Malharein even in Dr.CABBIE she was Herself playing a role inspired by her own life than a Documentary of  A TRIP TO UNICORN ISLAND,Voice in ICE AGE and Cameo as Cathy in BAD MOMS.

In all she is a YouTuber,a Motivational Speaker,a Vlogger and allrounder Entertainer.She knows how to rule the time and make fans fall for her againa and again.Being Canadian she knows what a Punjaban can do.Her earlier life was very much depressive to be spended we can say coming out from there and reaching a level of SUCCESS which is till eaternity is damn inspiring for each and everyone.A must follow Humanbeing on earth.I would just suggest to go and watch her Channel IISUPERWOMANII  and her acting will make you go crazy.She is just Original and Only Piece who can't be copied ever.Kudos to SUPERWOMAN.

Her passion is her own reason of being Versatile and being so much loved.

No doubt of her craziness being the best acts ever let it be reel or real.

No comparision ever and ever.Defination of her would never end if you know who she is.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Music-Biggest Mistry

       Music always stands for something which is melodious or flowing where rarely any other thing is compared to.No specialization just heart out thing thata where a sound is formed.Uncountable formd but technique always remains one-voice.

  Let it be sangeets,raps,bhajans,classic,hip-hop,beat breaking,fusion,traditional,social,monumental you just and just have the one word description MUSIC.The fiction of Music is just unbelievable till yet and also surprising that it has changed the leaving culture of more than infinite mass.Just an unsolved book which still have more and more upcoming unique techniques,more observed way,more drastic change and more vast creation.

Yes yes yes indeed a Biggest Mistry as i said "Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost" Upcomings and in the que of this Mistry and ready to burst out like anything.Why?Just because its Music which has bought life up in every creature today.If u ask anyone what is music?There wil always be an answer available in heart which means its not just a sound its more than a mistry which is still unfound.

Sunday, 7 August 2016


FRIEND Funny Rascles Irritation Excited NationalAnimal Dumb .No extra description needed after this beacause everyone knows who is a FRIEND.But out of the way even animals are counted in those category but rarely some celebrate with them.Celebration does not end on a single band on hand or a marker drawing. There is a lot we can include to make a Friendship Day more great.

Parents are also The First Friends We know and also they are LONG LASTING FRIENDS.They too need a party on this day but rarely are given though.However the fullform cannot be connected with these two categories but yaa they can be made feel special even on FriendshipDay.Friends are nothing but everything.THE GHOST,THE FIGHTER,THE ACTOR,THE JOKER,THE DOUBLEMEANING,THE NONSTOPABLE,THE ATTITUDE,THE SHY,THE DON,THE FUNNY,THE CREEPY,THE NEWSREPORTER,THE CHATUR,THE RANCHO,THE TALENTED line will never end but yes also a last one THE REAL.Many faces would have came in front of eyes after every title.Memories are impactful afterall.

Friends are such who are found everywhere but actualy are found actualy nowhere.They are many but they are actualy few.Books can be written with more than 50 chapters on the topic FRIENDS.Everyone has a unique friendship story.Some call it love story,some say hate story but in middle is a friendship story.If there would be no such word like Friend there would be no identity of those creatures with whom we be.

Neither Friendship nore Fiends have a typical meaning they are just leaving beings which can be defined in the easiest way.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Media:a just not field

    Talking about MEDIA today Who doesn't relates it?quit unanswerable question.Well today media is a proven most popular sector acting as a Crown owner of each and every can say update,news,story,and the line never ends.It has been contributing from last big bunch of years to every sector we are included in.

 Media is there in Society,in Economics,in Culture,in Thoughts,in People,in Regions,in Politics,in Organizations,in Business,in Bollywood,in History,in Science and more and more sectors.Industrty underwent a great rush upwards after Media was in the picture.Media has been there during Concepts, during Creativity,during Change,during Aspects,during Awareness during Everything.

It proved itself a big reason of unpredictable change from centuries.People are attached to Media from a smallest minor way to largest major way.Can say from train speakers "CHATTIS CHATTIS" to "Ranveer and Deepika's or Virat and Anushka's affairs".Platform has been rulling the time and has a great habbit of change with every new era.Purposely audience targeting work is only seen at highest level in media as that is what their work is justifies mostly.Affection of it has neverding line.

Neither the less also has it been a reason of India being developed at a very vast scale.The technique,the idea MEDIA bought showcasted all the hiddens.The first newspaper itself had a tagline "OPEN FOR ALL,INFLUENCED BY NO ONE" which direclty showed a great start towards a Golden Time.Atlast MEDIA itself has everything and need no other connection except a source to justify the part it shows.Power Of Media will keep inspiring the youth and will stand one man show as long as people are alive.Afterall Change is a Continuous Factor which is always related with MEDIA and MEDIA is so A CHANGE IN ITSELF.